The countries I’ve visited … and where I still want to go!

David is in St Lucia (for a wedding) as I write, and I’ve been working on some resources for our brides and the photographers we’re privileged to help educate. It got me thinking about all the incredible places I’ve been so fortunate to travel to. I’m passionate about not just seeing the parts of the world that are pretty and polished, or the all inclusive resorts that are surrounded by poverty, but seeing a full spectrum of the world and all that it has to offer.

Don’t get me wrong … I love a good luxury experience at an all-inclusive resort just as much as the next person (if you’re planning a destination wedding, sign me up! My bags are already packed!) I just also appreciate that I’ve been able to see the other side of the spectrum as well. It helps me find and maintain balance in my own life. It’s easy as a luxury wedding photographer to get caught up in designer brands and beautiful things, but the truth is that I got started doing this as a way to fund my humanitarian travel.

I’ve had the distinct privilege over the years of capturing some of the most incredible work being done in the most difficult situations throughout the world.

I’ve captured and told stories of women and children being rescued out of sex slavery. Of wells being built for clean water to be provided to an entire village. Of orphanages filled to the brim with kids who have lost their parents. Of hundreds of blind students finally able to receive an education all due to NGO funding. I’ve sat with nation-leaders and captured peacemaking negotiations between villages in conflict. I’ve laughed with children who have never owned a pair of shoes and don’t speak the same language as me, and I’ve cried with the people who have invested their lives into bettering this world.

Those stories, those adventures, those moments will always be a part of me.

They keep me grounded and remind me, even in the middle of the most insanely gorgeous wedding that my job is to tell stories. To create beauty. To offer my craft, my art, my calming presence no matter where I’m doing my job or which extreme I find myself in.

On a lighter note, here are some of the countries I’ve been so fortunate to visit:

  • India
  • Nepal
  • Cambodia
  • Uganda
  • Thailand
  • Dominican
  • Mexico
  • Canada
  • Italy
  • Bahamas
  • Scotland
  • England
  • Jamaica
  • Ethiopia


My travel bug hasn’t stopped! My parents always told me that they had my feet in both oceans before I even turned one, so I like to blame them for my need to travel. I took some time off of traveling when we knew we were going to have our first baby, but I’m so happy to say I’m ready and eager to be jetset again.

Here are the top 5 countries I want to visit!

  1. Italy (again!) I studied abroad there in college, but I’ve been dying to get back.
  2. Greece. It just looks so gorgeous and I am dying to see all those white walls on some film scans of my own.
  3. Morocco. I’ve been in love with the idea of exploring Morocco for years. In fact, I’m convinced our home would look a little more like Morocco if it weren’t for David and his preference with home decor (which I also love.)
  4. Indonesia. Guys, I’ve been dying to go to Bali for longer than I can remember! … And yes, even before Eat, Pray, Love. Haha.
  5. Turks and Caicos. Need I say more? Doesn’t everyone?


If you, or someone you know, is planning a destination wedding, we’d love to chat with them! We’ve found some great ways to reduce travel costs over the years and we would be happy to give an estimate. We especially love when we’re able to travel together, and so we offer some custom photo + video destination options with reduced travel rates.

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Many thanks to Silent Images for providing some of the opportunities to travel and serve other non profits who couldn’t afford professional photography and writing. Also thanks to organizations like Project Rescue, International Justice Mission, Amnesty International, and Transitions Global who have made such an huge impact on me as a human with the incredible work they are doing.


