Hello! This feels like a fresh new start. After having our little one almost two years ago (how has it been that long?!), I took a very intentional hiatus from blogging. It allowed me to focus my time and energy on our brides and our family, and it was wonderful. With that said, it’s time to jump back in, and I couldn’t think of a better way than to show you some images of my sweet little girl.
This is our Jayden River, who is getting ready to turn two. She’s beautiful and sweet (when her two-ness isn’t showing.) She’s intelligent, too. She knows how to count to 10! She even knows most of the ABC’s … if you don’t mind her starting from “H”. She’s the most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on, even in her messiest and most maddening moments. Best of all, though, she has her dad’s sense of humor and is downright HILARIOUS!!!
One of my favorite recent things she started without any prompting, is yelling, “Hey David!!!” when she wants daddy’s attention. This girl cracks us up. She makes crazy faces and giggles at herself in the mirror. She now emulates her daddy’s “silly walk” where she sticks out her belly and waddles across the room to get a laugh.
Her hair is usually wild and she prefers to run around in only a diaper, so these images seemed most fitting because they’re a glimpse into our real life and the way I see her.
If you want to see more of her cuteness, follow David on Instagram (@almondleafvideo). He’s a million times better at sharing little glimpses into our family life on there than I ever have been!

And just for fun, since we’re talking about her cuteness, here’s her one year video David created … I can’t believe she’s about to be TWO!!! It’s insane and completely mind boggling how much she’s grown and changed in one year. She’s talking up a storm and even using complete sentences! All of the cliches about parenthood are totally true. The most rewarding, and the most difficult, thing we’ve ever done!
[arve url=”https://vimeo.com/204437201″/]