The Most Important Piece of a Perfect Wedding

I always cry. I really do! More recently I’ve found myself fighting back the tears most during the time during the reception when the bride dances with her dad or the groom dances with his mom. It gets me every time. Maybe it’s because I have a daughter, or maybe it’s because I’ve lost my dad. Either way, I love the vulnerable, intimate moment when the bride and groom are transported back to being a child. A child being held by someone that loves them more than they will ever imagine.
On your wedding day don’t forget the intimate, loved-filled moments. It can be a stressful day, but at the heart of that day is a celebration of your love… and not just the love you have for your soon-to-be partner, but the love everyone has for you. People have poured themselves into you. Mom sacrificed for you. Dad lost sleep over your safety. Grandma spoiled you with sugar way too soon because she was jealous for your smile and affection.

You’ll have best friends standing with you. Girls that know your heart, and guys that stood behind you through difficult times. A sister that you shared ice cream cones with and a brother who protected you. All these people are in one place at one time to celebrate you. Soak it in and be present.

These people are not going anywhere. They’ll be there after your first huge fight. They’ll be there when you celebrate your first new home together. Take a moment on your wedding day to take a deep breath… breathe in the rich beauty of the moment and breathe out the stress that is getting in the way. Maybe you even take off your shoes and feel the ground under your feet…. it’s holy.
